Let us introduce our cutting-edge electronic food ordering platform, a place where convenience meets food. Our user-friendly app has revolutionised the way people enjoy their favourite meals. In conjunction with our Digital Menus you can browse menus, customise orders, and choose delivery or pick-up options at your fingertips. Our Electronic Food Ordering capability is extending the reach of your catering options to allow for a wide range of ordering technology from traditional EPOS to mobile card readers to fully app based orders. Join the growing number of satisfied customers who have experienced the ease and speed of our electronic food ordering platform and let us help take your food to your customers just a few taps on their mobile devices. Ordering food has never been this convenient!

The Advantage of Electronic Food Ordering

Electronic food ordering offers numerous advantages for both consumers and catering outlets, creating a more efficient, cost-effective, and enjoyable way to order delicious meals.


Customers can place food orders from the comfort of their own homes, offices, patient beds or on the go, eliminating the need to visit a physical location


Electronic ordering platforms allow customers to personalise their orders by specifying dietary preferences, ingredients, and portion sizes

Accessibility Features

Implement features like voice command or text-to-speech to make the ordering process accessible to people with disabilities

Feedback Collection

Electronic platforms can easily collect customer feedback and ratings, allowing restaurants to improve their offerings and service quality

Order Accuracy

Orders placed electronically are less prone to errors, as customers can review their selections before finalising their order

Data Insights

Restaurants can gather data on customer preferences, order trends, and peak hours, enabling data-driven decisions for menu improvements and marketing strategies

Remote Management

Owners and managers can remotely manage menus, pricing, and operations, making it easier to oversee multiple locations

Order History

Customers can access their order history, making it convenient to reorder favourite items or track expenses

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