Sustainability and waste tracking in food preparation are integral aspects of responsible and environmentally conscious culinary practices. These measures help reduce the environmental footprint of kitchen operations and promote the efficient use of resources.

By integrating sustainability and waste tracking into food preparation, kitchens can not only reduce their environmental impact but also often realise cost savings, enhance their reputation, and align with the growing consumer demand for eco-conscious dining establishments. These practices contribute to a more sustainable and responsible food industry.

The Advantage of Sustainability and Waste Management

Here's how sustainability and waste tracking play a vital role:

Composting and Recycling

Implementing recycling and composting programs allows food establishments to divert organic waste and recyclables from landfills, reducing the overall waste generated

Efficient Menu Planning

Sustainability practices encourage kitchens to create menus that utilise ingredients efficiently, allowing for the use of whole ingredients and reducing the need to discard food scraps

Portion Control

Accurate portion control helps reduce plate waste and ensures that customers receive the amount of food they can consume, decreasing both food waste and customer dissatisfaction

Sustainability Certifications

Some establishments seek sustainability certifications, such as LEED or Green Restaurant Certification, which require stringent waste reduction and sustainability standards

Reduction of Food Waste

Tracking food waste involves monitoring the quantity and types of food that are discarded. By identifying patterns and sources of waste, kitchens can take steps to reduce overproduction, better manage inventory, and use ingredients efficiently

Sourcing Sustainable Ingredients

By sourcing locally and sustainably produced ingredients, kitchens can reduce the environmental impact of food production and support responsible farming practices

Energy and Resource Efficiency

Sustainable kitchens often employ energy-efficient appliances, practice water conservation, and minimise the use of single-use plastics and disposables

Inventory Management

Effective inventory management minimises the risk of food spoilage and waste, helping kitchens operate more sustainably

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Waste Tracking

The Athena Sustainability and Waste Tracking solution track waste at 3 levels:

  • At the meal level
  • Overall waste disposal by type and disposal method
  • Wasted food by category
Co2 Analysis

Athena provides Co2 analysis based on cooking method food type content. We are working hard clients to expand this to include: staff levels, cooking environment, actual measurements of Co2 in the working environment. We are working closely with bulk food suppliers to accurately capture food miles and growing conditions for a complete assessment of the Co2 impact of every meal.

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