Welcome to the Athena Catering Management Solution where safety and well-being are our top priorities. We strictly adhere to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles across our software and in our kitchen implementations. HACCP is a rigorous and internationally recognised food safety system that ensures the highest standards of quality and safety in the preparation and handling of food.

Our HACCP controls module will record relevant data through every step of the food production process to identify potential hazards and critical control points. This proactive approach allows you to implement effective measures that prevent foodborne illnesses and maintain the highest standards of quality in every dish you serve. Using the Athena suite with its built in HACCP controls, you can prepare food with confidence, knowing that the health and safety of your consumers is paramount.

The Advantage of HACCP Controls

In a commercial kitchen, a variety of kitchen appliances and equipment are subject to HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) controls to ensure food safety. These controls are in place to identify and manage potential hazards at critical points in the food production process. Some of the kitchen appliances and equipment subject to HACCP controls that Athena will record include:

Refrigerators and Freezers

Proper temperature control in refrigeration units is critical to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Regular temperature monitoring and maintenance are essential


Dishwashing equipment must reach and maintain proper sanitising temperatures to ensure that dishes and utensils are cleaned and sanitized effectively

Steam Tables and Hot Holding Equipment

These appliances need to maintain food at safe holding temperatures to prevent bacterial growth

Food Thermometers

Regular calibration and use of accurate food thermometers are essential to monitor and verify food temperatures

Cooking Equipment

Ovens, stoves, grills, and fryers must be calibrated and maintained to ensure accurate cooking temperatures and times

Bain-maries and Warming Cabinets

Proper temperature control in these units is essential to prevent foodborne illnesses

Sous Vide Machines

Precise temperature control is crucial to ensure food safety when cooking sous vide

It's important to note that these are just some examples, and HACCP controls should be applied to all equipment and processes involved in food preparation and handling to ensure food safety and quality. Regular training, monitoring, and documentation of critical control points are key components of a successful HACCP program.

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